Michael Vegas, a charming and enigmatic priest, finds himself under the power of passion when two seductive women, Mona Azar and Spencer Bradley, enter his life. They seduce him with their allure and irresistible lust. Inside their cozy abode, the three embark on a dangerous journey of pleasure and group sex. Mona and Spencer engage in sensual caresses, licking each other's pussies, until the priest cannot resist their tempting offerings. They ignite a fire of desire within him and offer him a full immersion into all of his desires. In this porn video, barriers crumble, leaving room only for insatiable lust and debauchery.

Actors: Michael Vegas (38) , Mona Azar (33) , Spencer Bradley (28)
* In brackets the age of the actress at the time of shooting

From Film:  Home Movies
Studio productionPure Taboo image
Studio: Pure Taboo
From Film: Home Movies

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