Kendra Spade, a young and sensual beauty, decides to explore the realm of casual, no-strings-attached sex. She meets Derrick Pierce, and although she knows it will be a one-night stand, she can't resist his allure. Their passionate encounter takes place in the comfort of a home, where they dive into the world of intense cunnilingus and vaginal sex. Kendra allows Derrick to indulge in her hairy pussy, and he delivers unforgettable moments of pleasure. His hot cum ends up on her tits, completing their erotic rendezvous. While Derrick hoped for more and a continuation of their connection, Kendra leaves him with the understanding that it was just a one-night stand she was seeking.

Actors: Kendra Spade (22) , Derrick Pierce (47)
* In brackets the age of the actress at the time of shooting

From Film:  Sex Therapist 3
Studio productionSweet Sinner image
Studio: Sweet Sinner
From Film: Sex Therapist 3

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